It will be at the Adamstown Uniting Church Brunker Rd Adamstown 20-22nd March. More details closer to the date.
We have to paint a large portrait of a 'Hunter person of note'. I've chosen to paint Jeremy Janjic and his Fresian stallion Django.
I'm going to take more photos of Jeremy and Django tomorrow.
This will be the third time I've gone up for a photo shoot which is a bit embarrassing but I really want to create a good portrait and it's taken me a while to decide on a pose.Afterwards I then need to do a quick sketch of Jeremy's face.( so it's not all done from photos).
As part of the exhibition prep today we did something a bit different at portraits. As part of the exhibition this year we were all given an A4 sheet of cardboard . Everyone then painted their version of the model Hida on their A4 sheet.We then left them there to be taken for the exhibition.
I don't normally touch my portraits after the session but some people take them home and finish them so this was done to make sure that each portrait was only what was completed on the day in 2.30hrs..pressure!
As they were smaller than I usually paint I actually completed more of mine than usual and I'm reasonably happy with it. As stated earlier we will also each have our larger portrait of the chosen subject - ' Hunter person of note"
As my large portrait will be quite realistic I decided to leave this one more unfinished and colourful as this is what I like to do when I am just painting for myself.
I could finish him a bit more but this will have to do!
It was funny to look around the room and realise everyone else had done a more conservative portrait version than usual because they were worried about them looking good.. lol's
Here's mine -
A4 Oil on board.