He's a 15.3hh TB gelding 20 year old. He used to buck me off regularly so I got some riding lessons and have been playing around with dressage for the last 9 years.We do half pass , counter canter and shoulder in etc but have never done a full test or gone to an event as I don't have a float or car capable of pulling one.
When he used to buck me off I started doing natural horsemanship and we've been doing variations ever since. The groundwork gave me the confidence to keep him. He wasn'tnasty just super sensitive and he didn't understand leg aids..
He has his ears back (above) but he enjoys it as much as I do.. here I am running and have asked him to come with me. This is free in a 25 acre paddock.
Some of these pictures were taken recently when a friend came up and we did a lot of other things but this is the only pic that must have been flattering lol's..
We get along pretty well these days..Scratch that itch please!
This photo is a bit different...I did have 2 mirrors but one blew over in a storm and we have never replaced it. Bummer now I don't have one I can check my lateral ( sideways) work in..
A happy chappy..'phew it's finished!' ( cripes mate it's only half an hour!)
Good boy..
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