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I'm a professional award winning Portrait artist from NSW Australia.

Not just a likeness- portraits with Life!
I bring your photos to life in paintings that will touch your heart!

A photo freezes a moment while a painting melts hearts.

Capture a moment in their life and
keep it alive in an Heirloom Portrait !

"Your portraits capture more life than a photo ever could!"

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Have me create a special portrait just for you!.
Supply the photos and then plan the great unveiling!

I have original animal and landscape artworks available for sale on my website.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The torso

I've been commissioned to paint a large colourful torso for a chiropractor. 

I was a bit nervous at first as it was so large I can't fit it on my easel at home and it's a bit different from what I usually do.
 I'm converted now! I'm taking it to the art society rooms where I have the room to paint it and I'm loving working large. It looks super impressive.
 Actually if I had the time I'd love to do a series of them and have an exhibition.
If you are have a health related practise some of these would look stunning in your room! I can create them in any colour - reddish tones, brown etc.

Above -The first thing I did was do a small version from a model to get an idea of what colours to put in the finished painting.
The final colours may vary slightly but it gives me something to aim for.
 This one isn't as correct as the large version will be.
 The model who we were going to paint dropped out and we had a standin who had a different build. I had a photo from the client that I am using for lighting and the original model had ribs whereas our standin didn't. I was using half photo half model to paint this. Also it is a really difficult pose to hold for 2.30hrs even with short rests and we felt sorry for him and let him drop his arm halfway which affected the position of his head. I didn't worry too much as this is mainly for colour rather than anatomy and I could be more accurate in the large one.

 The first painting session. I am really happy with his face- it's a pity it will be covered as we go along! I do the underpainting as an accurate guide for the positioning of the colours over the top.

This gives you an idea of the size of it.

 The finished underpainting. If it was to be left as is I'd tidy up a few little things but its' good enough to put Oil over. Pity as I like it as it is!

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