Anne Marie
c 25 x 30cms
oil on canvas
Here's another of my practise portraits from a model.
I do these for myself so I play around a bit and don't finish them off as much although we don't have enough time to finish them much anyway! My usual portraits take weeks or months to complete!
If you like any of these practise portraits they are all available for sale. Contact me.
Above - I had to laugh at this stage as the drawing reminded me of the cartoon figure Garfield the cat!
No worries I know she will improve!
Above - Getting more accurate. This is probably at about the 1hr mark..I'm pretty happy with this stage. Sometimes I'm tempted to leave them at this stage but I need practise at finishing them off. Unfortunately I know they will always look worse for a while after this before they all come together - usually in the last panicked 1/2hr! lol's
Starting to use Oil colour. I've roughly done the dark background.She had lovely hair that was lit nicely and I wanted to do her hair first so I wanted a dark background to show her lighter hair off well.
Going through the ugly stage - starting to fill in the flesh colours.
Starting to do her hair
Hair roughly completed!
Getting there.. more work on her face.
Now her neck- I'm on the home run. I was running out of time now so I did a very quick paint of her amazing clothing .
Done! I'm pretty happy with the portrait.I feel I have captured something of her quirky character. I like working from life as during the process of interesting with the model something of their character usually comes through in the portraits.
In an ideal world I'd paint my pet portraits from the actual pet rather than a photo. Unfortunately animals won't stay still long enough!