Arky was a Russian blue cat .Jessica's mum was horrified when Aarky was run over a month ago . Jessica thought that a portrait would help her mum deal with his death and be a moving mothers day gift.
She didn't have any good photos and the one she first suggested wasn't usable. I managed to use a blurry flashed out head photo and place it on another photo of his body to come up with a portrait.
Here is the first photo that Jessica provided.
I didn't want to paint from this photo as it is too far away , dark and featureless and I knew the portrait wouldn't be very good.
After looking through other photos Jessica found I suggested using this head
This photo wasn't very good either as it wasn't sharp and his eyes are ruined by the flash but it was the only one that might be usable to add to this body..which is a lovely photo of his blue coat but you can't see Aarky's lovely green eyes. Jessica wanted me to show his blue colour and green eyes .
Here is the final portrait .
20 x 25cms framed Pastel
' Yes mum loved the portrait! She cried. He's now hanging in our living room. '