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I'm a professional award winning Portrait artist from NSW Australia.

Not just a likeness- portraits with Life!
I bring your photos to life in paintings that will touch your heart!

A photo freezes a moment while a painting melts hearts.

Capture a moment in their life and
keep it alive in an Heirloom Portrait !

"Your portraits capture more life than a photo ever could!"

Satisfaction Guarantee .

Have me create a special portrait just for you!.
Supply the photos and then plan the great unveiling!

I have original animal and landscape artworks available for sale on my website.

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Zeuss and his mates

Zeuss my horse, usually lives alone in the paddock (other than c 70 kangaroos). The last few months he's had a herd of cows to hang around with and he's been really laid back and happy.
The feed is getting down so today they were all taken away to the yards down the road where the guy was going to separate one cow + calf to bring back to keep Z happy.
I got Zeuss and groomed him to distract him as they were taken off and so he wouldn't be a bother as they were trying to run them out.
It took him a little while but after I let him go he realised they were gone and ran around bellowing for them. Luckily the truck came back about half an hour later and popped 2 back in with him.
He cantered over to rejoin them tossing his head and whinnying . Unfortunately for the cows who were a bit stressed having lost most of their mates they then had this paranoid horse shadowing them everywhere. He was only making sure they didn't get out of his sight but they thought he was chasing them .He is the boss of the paddock and occasionally does push them around.
The faster they'd run the faster he'd go after them... Things have settled down a bit now but Zeuss is still following them around like a bad smell! lol's

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