Well it worked for a while..Much as I love the roos they have been a real pain lately.It's peak breeding time and the males are following the females around clucking loudly and then they get under the front verandah & bang & crash & cluck.They often wake us at night.
Today I got sick of it and went out and shoo'd them to no avail so I got a bucket of water & threw it at the big male.Missed him but at least we got a bit of peace for a while...these photos show he's at it again!
General view out the front door at 3pm..
The dominant male gets the good while the others wait at the back and occasionally challenge him and thats when all the grunting & roaring goes on while he chases them off...argh!
This is a close up of " Arnold" ( muscle man ) after Arnold Swazchnegger(?)
Arnie and his girl who was under the verandah
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