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I'm a professional award winning Portrait artist from NSW Australia.

Not just a likeness- portraits with Life!
I bring your photos to life in paintings that will touch your heart!

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keep it alive in an Heirloom Portrait !

"Your portraits capture more life than a photo ever could!"

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 6 on the mural

I'm still painting the main building.Here I've started on the glass in the windows.

Now I've suggested produce inside the building.I'm not sure whether to leave this or simplify things back to just a reflection. I'll see how it looks at the end and decide.I've also done the red signwriting on the building and redone the red trim and tidied it up.

I've done the towers on Sugarloaf .I may knock them back a little later so they don't stand out quite as much.I'll see how it looks.The rain was starting to threaten and I was getting really tired but I wanted to put the ground in front of the building in + the fence on the LHS and see if the figures were going to stand out when I do them. Yep I think it is all going according to plan. A lot of correcting and fine tuning to do but it's getting there.
 I was going to do the poppethead and come back to the figures at the end but I think I need them done so I have something to compare the rest of the mural to. I want the Coop to be the focal point so I will adjust everything else so it doesn't compete.
 It doesn't really show up much  as a whole but here is one of the whole mural so you can see how it is going.
Tomorrow I hope to lighten and vary the ground in the front  open the fence up a bit fix the general verticals etc on the Co Op and then do the figures.

I decided to leave everything out ready and just cover it with plastic to protect against the rain (LHS) .That way I won't waste energy getting everything in and out each day and can get going sooner.

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