I created a smaller colour version of the mural to nut out all the problems with colour before it went on the wall. Much easier to correct a small version with a flick of the paint brush than spend a few hours changing the same thing on the wall! Here is the finished version.
The actual figures are very small so I couldn't put much detail into their faces and I couldn't spare a lot of time to finish it to my usual level. I was keen to start the actual mural as I know it will take a while to paint and it has to be ready in September.
Above - I'm starting to work out a colour scheme. I won't be able to make the images really colourful as I feel for the historic period I'll have to be a little conservative with the Co op store colours. As I want that to be centre stage all the other images will have to be marginally less colourful. So to get some zap into the mural I decided to have the mountains as a design rather than realistic then I could use some interesting colours and they will still ' read ' as natural.The background can be colourful now.
Here you can see my reference material - the original B & W version for placement gridded up to make it easier to get everything placed correctly. With such a complicated mural if I got the Co op too far to the left when drawing it up it would make everything out of whack.
OK I'm happy with that. Now if I follow this on the wall it should be easy ...( shouldn't it..?? lol's)
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